With Jamie Jackson Spannhake's courses in The Lawyer, the Lion, & the Laundry, you will learn the choices, actions, and thoughts to guide you to having the life you truly want. You’ll learn how to change your relationship with time and reclaim each day. You’ll develop time management skills as well as “mind management” skills by practicing a new approach to handling your busy life. By using these tools and techniques, you can reach the place of balance and fulfillment you desire: a place where you are living the life you desire while feeling full of life and energy, not overwhelmed and exhausted.

“Jamie’s words of wisdom land perfectly and have come back to me over and over again. I am so impressed with her vision for helping others find themselves in the midst of life’s mundane and chaotic challenges. Thank you.”

- Jane

Photo of book open
Photo of Jamie Jackson Spannhake

Hi, I’m Jamie Jackson Spannhake.

I want to help you enjoy your busy life. Why should you listen to me? I’ve lived it. I’ve researched, read books and articles, attended workshops, and talked to innumerable people about how to thrive in the midst of the chaos that is our hectic lives. I’ve tried lots of different tools and techniques over the past 10 years, experimenting in my own life. Sometimes, I’ve failed miserably. Other times, I’ve been very successful. I’ve done the testing for you and found what works. You can benefit from my mistakes without making them yourself. I’ve synthesized a wealth of information and distilled theories into clear, easy-to-use applications for you.

Also, I am certified as a health coach, so I have a base of knowledge regarding wellness that informs the information in my courses and books.

Let’s get started!